Monday, October 28, 2013

Free Post

The retreat on Friday was fun, but it had some draw backs. The first activity I did was canoeing, which was my favorite activity although we had to pick up trash and I had never conoed in my life. The second activity was killing the invasive species, which was my least favorite activity. I disliked that activity because some people were being careless with the tools that BREC gave us and I found that there was no point to it. The third activity that I did was clearing a trail. I enjoyed clearing the trail, but when we were walking to the trail my group got lost and went to the wrong activity. When we were clearing the trail, half of my group didn't even contribute and the chaperones left us, so we had to walk to lunch ourselves.

Lunchtime was the best part of the day because I got to talk to my friends and play on the playground. After lunch, I was so tired I didn't even try to listen to the Leave No Trace people when they were talking. When we finally got to school it was 2:30 and I was really upset because I had to wait for my mom until 3:20, so I went into the library. I enjoyed sitting in the library because there was air conditioning and I could finally relax. I really enjoyed the 9th grade retreat and I can't wait until next year's retreat.  

Short Story Reading Response

This week I read "The Sniper", "Sucker", and "Araby". I enjoyed reading all these short stories, but "Sucker" was my favorite. I found "Sucker" really interesting because I really liked the relationship between Pete and Sucker. I also liked how narrator was building up suspense; it made me really eager to find out what happens in the end. My annotations for "Sucker" are the best out of the three short stories, so I think it will be very helpful when I am writing my literary analysis.

"The Sniper" was also an interesting short story. I liked all the action in the story, especially when the sniper pretended like he was dead. I also liked the climax of the story, which is when the sniper finds out he killed his brother. "The Sniper" was the easiest to annotate for because I could clearly see the plot, point of view, and the character. Overall, I feel that I have gained a lot from the short story unit and I hope to carry that information over to my literary analysis.

Outside Reading:

Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness 418-603

10/22-Tuesday- 50 minutes- pages 407-468
10/23-Wednesday- 30 minutes- pages 469-508
10/24-Thursday- 25 minutes- pages 509-538
10/26-Saturday- 35 minutes- pages 539-579
10/27-Sunday- 19 minutes- pages 580-603

Total Time= 159 minutes 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Personal Questions and Outside Reading

Personal Questions: 

1. What kinds of new books can I explore?
2. What genres do I like most and why?
3. What makes me want to read?
4. How do authors use point of view to affect readers?

Outside Reading:

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

10/8-Tuesday- 51 minutes-pages 73-126

Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness

10/9-Wednesday- 27 minutes- pages 228-268  
10/10-Thursday- 18 minutes- pages 269-293

Short StoryWork

10/8-"The Return"- 25 minutes

Total Time= 121 minutes

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Outside Reading and Short Story Work Times

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse 

10/3-Thursday-30 minutes- pages 38-72

Short Story Reading

9/30-Monday- "And of Clay We Are Created"- 30 minutes 
10/1-Tuesday- "The Girls in Their Summer Dresses"- 25 minutes 
10/2-Thursday- "The Waltz of The Fat Man"- 35 minutes 

Total Time= 120 minutes