Monday, October 28, 2013

Free Post

The retreat on Friday was fun, but it had some draw backs. The first activity I did was canoeing, which was my favorite activity although we had to pick up trash and I had never conoed in my life. The second activity was killing the invasive species, which was my least favorite activity. I disliked that activity because some people were being careless with the tools that BREC gave us and I found that there was no point to it. The third activity that I did was clearing a trail. I enjoyed clearing the trail, but when we were walking to the trail my group got lost and went to the wrong activity. When we were clearing the trail, half of my group didn't even contribute and the chaperones left us, so we had to walk to lunch ourselves.

Lunchtime was the best part of the day because I got to talk to my friends and play on the playground. After lunch, I was so tired I didn't even try to listen to the Leave No Trace people when they were talking. When we finally got to school it was 2:30 and I was really upset because I had to wait for my mom until 3:20, so I went into the library. I enjoyed sitting in the library because there was air conditioning and I could finally relax. I really enjoyed the 9th grade retreat and I can't wait until next year's retreat.  


  1. Hey Omar,
    Canoeing was my favorite activity also! I know was also exhausted after the retreat! I am glad you enjoyed! I really sucks you all got lost!

  2. Hey Bobby,
    Kayaking was my favorite part as well, funny how we got lost but still did a good job to the trail.

  3. Dear Omar,

    Canoeing was my favorite activity, as while as many other people's too. I enjoyed your blog post, especially how it was in the order you did everything. I enjoyed lunch and I also went to the air-conditioned library as well. Overall I love you blog post because I can imagine how you felt through your words as well as I love your background.

    Happy Blogging,

    Annie Kramer
