Monday, September 16, 2013

We're Making a(n e)book!

I am very excited about making an ebook! I think that it will be really cool to put everyone's literacy narrative together. I am not nervous about people reading my literacy narrative, but I am glad that our class ebook will be semi-public. I am also very excited about reading my classmate's literacy narrative's because I find them very interesting. Although I am confident in my literacy narrative, I would find it helpful to have another proofreading round.

I think that I will add cool things to make portion of the ebook. For instance, I would change the font and make the title bigger. I also think that I would organize the writing in a cool way. I would make a wordle and maybe add some pictures of me as a kid reading. For the tittle, I think the class should put their title and make a wordle. I also think that the class should have groups of four; each group having a special job. Finally, I think there should be a contest between each class's ebook. The contest should be on look of the ebook. Dr. D and some other teachers should be the judges. I also think the class that wins should get bonus points as a reward.


  1. Hey Omar!
    I liked your post. The idea about dividing everyone up into groups is really smart.
    Great blog!

  2. Dear Omar,

    That sounds really cool! I dont have many ideas on the cover and design but yours sounds great! Keep up the great ideas!


  3. Omar I think that your ideas are really great! I think Dr. D would really like all of this ideas!


    Bria Turner

  4. Omar,

    Your ideas about the cover and design are really good. I enjoyed reading this post.

