Monday, August 19, 2013

Free Post- Freshman Year and High School

I have noticed a big change from being the top dogs of middle school and being a freshman. There is a different schedule, more people, and a smaller locker. I look forward to my time in high school, but not to the workload. Everything has gone smoothly these past 7 days at school. I like all my classes and teachers and I hope it will stay that way. I think that my freshman year will be a very memorable one. 

I think that high school in general prepares you for college and the real world. High school is a time to find who you really are. Whether it being finding new friends or an extracurricular activity that you really like. It also might help you find out what you want to study in college and what profession you are interested in. High school changes you. It might change who you hang out with or your likes and dislikes. Although high school has a scary workload I think that it will be ok if I manage my time well. 


  1. Hey Omar,

    I really like your topic on freshman year and the start of high school. I understand what you mean, in eighth grade we were like the seniors of middle school, the cool kids, and since high school started, we are the underclassmen or freshies. My favorite thing so far about high school is that we have so much more freedom, but high school has a lot more work involved than middle school. What college do you want to attend to work toward your goal profession? I wish you well on managing your work and time.



  2. I feel the same way about High school, worried but excited.

