Monday, October 28, 2013

Short Story Reading Response

This week I read "The Sniper", "Sucker", and "Araby". I enjoyed reading all these short stories, but "Sucker" was my favorite. I found "Sucker" really interesting because I really liked the relationship between Pete and Sucker. I also liked how narrator was building up suspense; it made me really eager to find out what happens in the end. My annotations for "Sucker" are the best out of the three short stories, so I think it will be very helpful when I am writing my literary analysis.

"The Sniper" was also an interesting short story. I liked all the action in the story, especially when the sniper pretended like he was dead. I also liked the climax of the story, which is when the sniper finds out he killed his brother. "The Sniper" was the easiest to annotate for because I could clearly see the plot, point of view, and the character. Overall, I feel that I have gained a lot from the short story unit and I hope to carry that information over to my literary analysis.

Outside Reading:

Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness 418-603

10/22-Tuesday- 50 minutes- pages 407-468
10/23-Wednesday- 30 minutes- pages 469-508
10/24-Thursday- 25 minutes- pages 509-538
10/26-Saturday- 35 minutes- pages 539-579
10/27-Sunday- 19 minutes- pages 580-603

Total Time= 159 minutes 

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