Monday, September 9, 2013

The Car Crash

"Got to go Stephanie! Some bimbo hit my car from behind," Melissa said. She got out of her car and started to walk to the car that hit her. Then she saw who was in the car, Tom, the most careless person in school. "Excuse you, you hit my car and I was on the phone," Melissa exclaimed. 
"So, what does that have to do with me," Tom replied.
"You hit me from behind and I was having an important conversation with my friend," Melissa snapped angrily. 
"Maybe if you weren't talking on the phone, you could have seen me behind you and not hit the breaks all of a sudden." 
"You don't have the right to tell me how to drive, you ugly freak! Plus you hit my mini cooper and left a big dent. You are going to pay to get that fixed."  
"I am not paying for anything. If you can pay to get your nose done, then you can pay for the dent. That is not my fault."
"What did you say?"
"You heard me." 
"I can't listen to your ugly voice anymore! Bye-bye!" Tom drove off at 100 miles per hour, leaving Melissa enraged. 


  1. Hey Omar.
    This was very well written. I felt like I was right there watching it go down! Please keep writing things like this!

    Keep Blogging,
    Mary Beth

  2. Hey Omar,

    I really enjoyed your dialogue post. The part about Melissa's nose job was a nice touch. I liked how you kept the characters personalities throughout the dialogue; you stressed through Melissa's words, how much of a freak Tom was.

    Keep Up the Good Blogging,

  3. Hey Omar

    I also really enjoyed your post and felt like i was there.

