Friday, August 30, 2013

Reading Response: Insurgent

Tris in Divergent is different than the Tris in Insurgent. In Divergent Tris throws herself into danger without thinking, but in insurgent Tris thinks before she throws herself. Tris is more mature and selfless in Insurgent. For instance, she goes to the Erudite compound to die just to save the lives of the Dauntless. She also has much more weight on her shoulders in Insurgent. She has to deal with how she shot Will and the death of her parents. Tris uses the weight on her shoulders as motivation to doing the right thing. 

I finished Insurgent this week and it is now one of my favorite books. I liked the futuristic world and the faction system. I also liked the relationship between Tobias and Tris. I think that they made each other stronger and braver. I also liked how the Dauntless went against the oppression of the Erudite and took their compound over. I did not like the factionless and their leader, Evelyn. I did not like how they lived and how they wanted to take over. Finally, I liked the ending of the book. I felt that it was a very nice cliffhanger and I can't wait to read the next book in the series. 

Insurgent by: Veronica Roth 

Monday- 30 minutes- pages 310-379 
8/27 Tuesday- 45 min- pages 380-434 
8/28 Wednesday- 50 min- pages 435-497    
8/29 Thursday- 35 min- pages 498-525    

Total time= 160 minutes 

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