Sunday, August 25, 2013

Last Friday Night

Last friday my 10 year old brother invited 4 of his friends to spend the night. I was not very happy with this, but I didn't have a say in it so it didn't matter what I thought. As soon as we got home they went  upstairs to play and that is when things got crazy. It was like there were 5 blenders jumping up and down trying to bring down the ceiling. I went upstairs to tell them to be quiet and they were very rude to me. They yelled at me and started to throw bouncy balls and other silly toys at me. That was strike 1 for them. I went downstairs and my mom told me to not worry about it. I calmed down once I started to watch television. Then the 5 hooligans started to go up and down the stairs. They were holding nerf guns and shooting each other pretending that they were the cops. I tried to cope with the noise, but it became unbearable. Luckily for me my cousins called and asked me to go to the movies with them. I asked my mom and she said I could go. After 5 minutes my cousins picked me up and we went to go see Jobs. I was very happy that I was getting away from the noise, but felt bad for my parents because they had to endure the circus.

When I got home, I was surprised to find it quiet and no sounds. I asked my parents where the kids were and they told me that they were upstairs watching a movie. At that time I was thinking that I could have some peace and quiet and maybe go to sleep without all the ruckus. My joy only lasted for 15 minutes. The kids were even louder than when I left. They were shouting, screaming, and jumping. I went upstairs to see what was going on and once I got upstairs I see them in my room. They were jumping on my bed, playing with all my things, and going in my closet. I was furious, even more than in the afternoon because at night I turn into a monster. I get very cranky and when someone angers me it is just like when a bull sees someone red. I yelled, "GET OUT OF MY ROOM! You have no right to be in here! GET OUT!" Then they went and hid in my closet. I went after them and saw all of my clothes that were hung up, were on the floor. I was even angrier than I was before, so I grabbed 2 of the kids by the arm and dragged them out of my room. Then I yelled to the remainder of the kids, "GET OUT! Does anyone else want me to drag them out just like the other two!" Then the rest of the kids ran out and didn't go in for the rest of the night. During the rest of the night the kids stayed in my brother's room and slept after and hour. Then I went to sleep and to my dismay when I woke up I saw the kids in my face. When all the kids left, I asked my parents to never invite them again!


  1. Omar, while I was reading your post I felt like I was right there with you! You described what happened so well! I hope you never have to go through that again!

  2. Hi Omar,

    I love your descriptions of that night! I was laughing the whole time I was reading! I know exactly how you feel! My brother has friends over all the time. I am glad you got some sleep!

    -Annie Kramer
