Sunday, January 26, 2014

NHD Topic Discussion

I decided to tell my brother about my research topic, the rights and responsibilities of US citizens, especially immigrants. I started by asking my brother questions, like, "Can you tell me the rights that US citizens have and what responsibilities come with it?". He said that US citizens have the right to vote, be safe, and be elected and the only responsibility he could think of was jury duty. I then applauded my brother for his efforts and began to expand on his answer. I began to say that US citizens also have the right to petition for a spouse, parent, or sibling, purchase a firearm, to own property, to live permanently in the US, and to leave the US. He was astonished by some of the rights because he had never heard them before. Then I began to explain to him that rights are fraught with many responsibilities such as paying taxes, obey laws, volunteer, and join the US Armed Forces. Afterwards my brother got bored and decided to drink a glass of water and come back, so once he came back I started to tell him about how beneficial immigrants are to the United States. I told him that fuel the American economy, create new jobs, retain the best global talent, make America less globally isolated, enhance the multilingualism in America, opens up ideas from elsewhere, and shape how the world views America. After I explained to my brother, he asked me why I care about this topic. I told him that I was curious about my country and how it works and I also wanted to learn the role of immigrants. 

My thesis is that the many rights that the United States gives to its citizens drive immigrants to come in to this country, but they soon learn that rights are fraught with responsibilities, which can be beneficial to the United States of America. US citizens have the right to vote, get elected, petition for a family member, purchase a firearm, own property, and leave the USA. These rights come with many responsibilities such as paying taxes, jury duty, obey laws, volunteer in a local community, and join the US Armed Forces. These rights drive immigrants to come to the United States. As a result, they contribute by fueling the American economy, creating new jobs, retaining the best global talent, make America less globally isolated, enhance the multilingualism in America, opens up ideas from elsewhere, and shape how the world views America. I chose this topic because I was curious about how the United States operates in terms of citizenship. 

Reading and Work Times: 

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

1/21-Tuesday- 10 minutes- pages 111-123
1/22-Wednesday- 15 minutes- pages 124-149
1/23-Thursday- 15 minutes- pages 150-181
1/24-Friday- 45 minutes- pages 182-230

Work on NHD

1/23-Thursday- 20 minutes- Work on Detailed Outline
1/25-Friday- 35 minutes- Work on Detailed Outline

Total Time=140 minutes 


1 comment:

  1. Hey Omar,

    I though it was interesting how you embedded your discussion with your brother in the first paragraph. Also, the picture added some effect to the post.

    Keep up the Good Work,

