Saturday, January 11, 2014

Letter To Younger Me

Dear Younger Omar,

You have grown-up to be a good 14 year old. You have made some big accomplishments and lots of mistakes along the way. For instance, last week I decided to ride my bike in the middle of the street and almost got hit by a car. In order to escape the wrath of the car driver, I tried to land on the grass, but landed head first on the concrete side-walk. Also, you have gotten mostly As over the years. Also, you are the Penniman Scholar. Keep on doing what you are doing, but don't let anyone take advantage of you and be true to yourself.

Make good choices because they change the course of what you do and who you are. Sometimes I make good choices and sometimes I make bad choices. I want you to make more good and well thought out choices than the quick and not so good choices. I also want you to know that it is ok to make bad choices as long as you learn from them. The person that you will become will be shaped by yourself and from information from your parents and wonderful teachers.



1 comment:

  1. Dear Omar,

    I am mesmerized by your blog post. I was laughing out loud because of your "famous" bike accident. I really like the advice you give to yourself including "The person you will become will be shaped by yourself." That is very true and I just love it. Overall you did a spectacular job!

    Keep up the good work,

    Annie Kramer
