Monday, September 30, 2013

Short Stories

I have enjoyed the short story work we have been doing. I think the stories that we read are interesting, but they can be hard to understand at times. I especially liked "To Da-Duh, in Memoriam". I loved the description of the characters and the setting the author created. I had difficulty understanding "An Old Man With Enormous Wings" because I didn't understand if the old man was an angel or not. Now it makes much more sense because we talked about it in class.

I have enjoyed annotating the short stories. I think annotating for character descriptions was the easiest to annotate for because I picture the character in my head when the author describes he/she/it. Annotating for plot was a little more challenging because I had difficulty identifying the climax. Annotating for setting was the hardest because I had to think a little harder to identify the psychological/social mood. The annotations that I have done for homework have helped me write my short story.    

Monsters of Men by: Patrick Ness

9/24-Tuesday- 30 minutes- pages 123-163
9/25-Wednesday- 35 minutes- pages 163-209
9/26-Thursday- 15 minutes- pages 210-227

Siddhartha by: Herman Hesse

9/29- Sunday- 22 minutes-pages 3-37

Short Story Work

9/24-Tuesday- annotation for "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"- 20 minutes
9/26-Thursday- annotation for "Dry September"- 25 minutes

Total Time= 144 minutes


  1. I have been enjoying reading the short stories too! I agree that character was the easiest thing to annotate for and setting was the most difficult.

    Great job!

  2. Dear Omar,

    I have also enjoyed reading the short stories. They diffidently have helped me. In this blog post I liked how you were descriptive with what you liked and didn't like. My hardest annotation was also the setting. However I enjoyed it and it helped me. Overall your blog post was very productive and informative.

    Best of Wishes,

    Annie Kramer

  3. Dear Omar,

    I liked your blog! The annotating was hard for me but i think it will help in the long run. Annotating for POV was hardest for me. Keep it up!


  4. Hey Omar,

    I have also enjoyed the story writing this week as well. I see what you mean by having difficulty understanding everything. If you re-read it a couple of times that helps.

