Monday, September 23, 2013

Damian's Thoughts

I feel so guilty, but I had such a good time with Elizabeth. She was so pretty and we connected so well. Elizabeth listened to what I had to say and her eyes were so pretty. I really want to see her again, but I don't want Regina to find out. Regina would tear me to pieces if she found out and my career will be over. I am going to never see Elizabeth again and ignore her calls. I can't stand thinking about this anymore, I had to go to sleep.

Oh no, its Elizabeth. What should I do? Should I ignore her and block her? No, that would be very rude. I just need to silence my phone and go to sleep. No, I don't want to do that because I don't want to hurt her. I should pick up the phone and tell her how I feel."Hey, Elizabeth I had such a good time and I can't wait to see you." It slipped out of my mouth and I end the call quickly. I am such a bad husband and I can't see Elizabeth tomorrow because Regina will be back from New York tomorrow.


  1. Omar,
    From this I want to read your short story! It sounds so interesting! I can't wait to find out what he does about Elizabeth and Regina

  2. I love how your character's names are similar to those in 'Mean Girls'. It's an interesting conflict for your character. I can't wait to see more!

    Martine ✿
