Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Halo" Song Analysis

I chose to analyse "Halo" by Beyonce Knowles because it has several poetic devices. Beyonce starts the song off by using personification. She says, "Remember those walls I built? Well, baby they're tumbling down, And they didn't even put up a fight, They didn't even make a sound." Next Beyonce says, "Standing in the light of your halo". This is a hyperbole because she is exaggerating the truth. In this first part of the song there is an alliteration because of the repeated B sound. Beyonce uses a simile when she says, "Hit me like a ray of sun." Beyonce uses personification again when she says, "Gravity can't forget to bring me back to the ground again." Beyonce also uses a hyperbole when she says, "Everywhere I'm looking now I am surrounded by your embrace." 

"Halo" has a deeper meaning as a result of the literary devices. The whole entire song is a metaphor that signifies a woman who was hurt from a previous relationship. Since she got her heart broken, she built many walls to defend herself and she promised herself that she would never fall in love again, but then she meets a man who builds up her trust and confidence no matter how much she fights against it. Basically my interpretation of the song was the emotions of a heart broken woman who gives love a second chance. The song also has a slow beat and it progresses from soft to loud. I think that this creates a warm and thoughtful tone. 


  1. Dear Omar,

    Your interpretation of the song "Halo" was interesting. I agree that the transition from soft to loud creates a warm and thoughtful tone. Your interpretation of the song also makes me want to go listen to the song and read the lyrics again and again.

    Great Post,

    Annie Kramer
