Monday, February 24, 2014

Reading + Work Times For 2/24

The House of Hades by Rick Riodan

2/18-Tuesday- 30 minutes- 263-287
2/20-Wednesday- 30 minutes-288-312

Time Spent Editing Research Paper

2/22-Saturday- 35 minutes- I fixed half of Dr. D's comments

Time Spent Studying for Poetry Test

2/23-Sunday- 30 minutes- looked over poems in class and hand outs. I also annotated 1 poem.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I Am

I am as loud as a peacock.
I am as gentle as a purring kitten. 

I am as brave as a soldier.
I am as vulnerable as a deer. 

I am as fast as an ostrich. 
I am as slow as turtle.

I am as new as freshly baked bread.
I am as old as the couch from the 60s.

I am as smart as Albert Einstein.
I am as dumb as the man who puts electricity in the hot tub.

I am as colorful as a rainbow. 
I am as drab as a rainy day.

I am as affectionate as a puppy.
I am as aggressive as a not so hip-pity hop-poty hippopotamus. 

I am as generous as Santa Claus. 
I am as selfish as the man who didn't want to share his things. 

I am as kind as Mother Teresa. 
I am as cruel as Vlad III of Romania.  

I am human. 

In this poem I use an anaphora, apostrophe, many similes, and an alliteration. The anaphora I use in the poem is "I am as" which is a the beginning of the majority of the lines. The apostrophes in my poem are when I address Mother Teresa and Vlad III of Romania. The majority of my lines are similes such as I am as old as a couch from the 60s. The alliteration in my poem is the hip-pity hop-pity hippopotamus.

"Halo" Song Analysis

I chose to analyse "Halo" by Beyonce Knowles because it has several poetic devices. Beyonce starts the song off by using personification. She says, "Remember those walls I built? Well, baby they're tumbling down, And they didn't even put up a fight, They didn't even make a sound." Next Beyonce says, "Standing in the light of your halo". This is a hyperbole because she is exaggerating the truth. In this first part of the song there is an alliteration because of the repeated B sound. Beyonce uses a simile when she says, "Hit me like a ray of sun." Beyonce uses personification again when she says, "Gravity can't forget to bring me back to the ground again." Beyonce also uses a hyperbole when she says, "Everywhere I'm looking now I am surrounded by your embrace." 

"Halo" has a deeper meaning as a result of the literary devices. The whole entire song is a metaphor that signifies a woman who was hurt from a previous relationship. Since she got her heart broken, she built many walls to defend herself and she promised herself that she would never fall in love again, but then she meets a man who builds up her trust and confidence no matter how much she fights against it. Basically my interpretation of the song was the emotions of a heart broken woman who gives love a second chance. The song also has a slow beat and it progresses from soft to loud. I think that this creates a warm and thoughtful tone. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Reading + Work Times For 2/10

The House of Hades by Rick Riodan

Monday-2/3- 10 minutes in class- pages 111-122
Tuesday-2/4- 15 minutes outside of class- pages 123-135
Thursday-2/6- 10 minutes in class- pages 136-148
Friday-2/7- 10 minutes in class- pages 149-160

ATD Posts on Blackboard

Monday-2/3- 40 minutes- 2 ATD posts
Thursday-2/6- 45 minutes- 2 ATD posts
Saturday-2/8- 45 minutes- 4 comments

Total Time= 175 minutes

Sunday, February 2, 2014

❆Sneaux Week❆

I enjoyed my 3 snow days this week, but I was sick Monday thru Wednesday. On Monday I woke up and I was about to throw up. My stomach was hurting so much I decided not to go to school for the pain and I become a different person when I am sick. Monday was full of sleep and watching tv. I didn't feel like doing any schoolwork, so I pushed it off the next day because once I woke up from my nap I heard that I didn't have school the next day. On Tuesday I felt much better and I was back to my normal self, but that meant I had to do the work that I missed on Monday and the work for virtual Tuesday. I opened up my computer and found out my teachers had assigned lots of work. I decided that I was going to get everything done that was assigned and what I missed the previous day, so I started off with Geometry. That was a mistake because it was Alejebra 1 review and I had forgotten it. Then I decided to do my makeup work. That took an hour because I didn't know what I had missed. After that I did Latin and English. I watched both of Dr. D's videos and told myself I was going to take a 5 minute break. That 5 minute break turned into 2 hours. Afterwards I worked on my draft for an hour and went outside and played in the snow. I spend the rest of the day inside watching tv and netflix. I was relaxed.

Wednesday and Thursday were relaxing as well. On Wednesday, I did my virtual work and got a lot of my long-running AP World History assignments done. Also, I got a lot of my research paper done. After I finished, I was proud of myself because I had finished 2 1/2 pages of my research paper, my WHAP learning log, and half of my WHAP course theme project. On Thursday, I decided to just do my virtual work. I finished 1 more page of my research paper and some Geometry and WHAP work. My favorite part of Thursday wasn't watching tv, it was placing my order for girl scout cookies. I ordered 3 boxes of trefoils, 1 box of thin mints, and 2 boxes of tagalongs. I couldn't wait to eat them.

My Virtual Snowflake: 

Research Paper Draft

I wrote my research paper this week about the rights and responsibilities of immigrants to the United States. I feel confident about my draft because I put a lot of time and effort into it during the snow/virtual week. But I am concerned about my conclusion. I can never get my conclusions on my paper just right because I don't know what to write, but they turn out ok in the end. I am also a little concerned about my my parenthesis citations in the body. I would like help changing my citations (if they need to be changed) and the conclusion.

I thought writing the research paper was going to be super hard, but it turned out ok. The videos and student example that Dr. D posted on the research topics page helped immensely. They both gave me a little boost of confidence and a sense of what I was going to exactly do. I thought writing the paragraphs was easy, but it was hard to decide which of my sources i wanted to include in my paper. Also, it was easy to write the introduction because I have a story behind my topic. When Dr. D is reading my paper I would like her to focus on how I put my information and my conclusion. Also, I really appreciated how the deadline was pushed to Monday. 

Reading + Work Times

Snow Days:

Tuesday-60 minutes-I added onto my detailed outline and decided which sources I wanted to include in my paper. I also watched the 2 videos that Dr. D posted on the topics page. I did 1 paragraph. 

Wednesday-60 minutes-I finished 2 1/2 pages of my paper.  

Thursday-60 minutes-I finished 1 more page of my paper. This took me longer because I had to fix some things. 

Friday-45 minutes-I used the class time that Dr. D gave me to fix some things that I had previously done and make 1 more paragraph. I am on the 4th page now.  

Saturday-90 minutes-I finished my body till the 5th page and finished my introduction and conclusion.  

Sunday-45 minutes-I proofread my paper and made it ready to be turned into I also did my works cited. 

Total Time= 6 hrs/360 minutes