Saturday, November 16, 2013

Write Your Own Blog Post

The next time you're in a public place such as a coffeehouse, park, or a store observe the people around you. Pick a person, couple, or a group and imagine what their lives might be like. 

For this post I will write about my observations at the Rihanna concert about a group of 5 women. There were 3 blondes and 2 brunets. They sat in the row in front of me and just sat down with their eyes peeled on their iPhones. I only got the names of the 2 brunets, which were Melissa and Beth, but for now I will name the 3 blondes Sarah, Jennifer, and Ashley. The group looked like they were in their early 30s.  

Melissa, Beth, Sarah, Jennifer, and Ashley looked seemed like they were best friends. They all looked like they had stable jobs. Sarah, Ashley, and Beth had engagement rings on their fingers, so they are married. Melissa is not married, but she is the leader of the group because she sat in the middle and everybody talked to her. I think she might have the most money out of the group, so she could be a lawyer. Jennifer is also not married the happiest person in the group. She seemed like the goodie two shoes of the group because she didn't drink and she kept on telling her friends to stop dancing and stuff like that. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Omar:
    I went to the Rihanna concert too! Where were you sitting? I had so much fun! I am sorry if those girls were a distraction to her performance. Interesting observations though!
    Katherine Ann
