Monday, November 11, 2013

Free Post: Allegiant

I started reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth last week. So far I am enjoying it very much because I love all the action. I also love how the story is told by Tris and Tobias. I like this because I can understand the book better because I see both sides of the argument. I also like Allegiant because it is the last book in the series. I like the last book in a series because they are have lots of action, great endings, and are the very well written.

Although I really like Allegiant, I fell that it has some flaws. For instance, Tobias's point of view is not as good as Tris's point of view. I also don't like the arguments that Tris and Tobias that have because I feel they happen too often and they are irritating. Allegiant stresses some important parts, but some parts are a little unclear. Finally, I don't like how Tobias acts sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Omar,

    I liked your post on Allegiant. It was interesting how your wrote about your positive and negative perspective of the book. I can't wait to read the book myself!
    Great Job,

