Monday, November 18, 2013

Free Post: The 2 Weeks Before Thanksgiving

The 2 weeks before Thanksgiving are enjoyable. I think this because the weather is great and I am have and are going to do some fun things. For instance, Last Friday (the 15th) I went to the Rihanna concert. I had a lot of fun because Rihanna is amazing. I think this because her voice is beautiful, she is a great performer, and she is pretty. I also like all of her song, but "What Now" was my favorite because she sang it very beautifully with lots of emotion. The only thing I didn't like about the concert was A$AP Rocky because he was unnecessary. I think this because he kept on saying bad words for no reason and his songs were just plain stupid. I am also getting my braces off on Thursday! 

The 2 weeks before Thanksgiving are not fun because there is a lot of work. The large amounts of work causes me to have large amounts of stress. For instance, I have 2 tests, 3 quizzes, 3 AP World History assignments, and a paper. I am ok so far because I have managed my time and set what I want to accomplish and when. On top of this I have to miss 2 of my most important classes, English and AP World History, because I am getting my braces off, which I am really excited about.  

Reading + Work Times:
Allegiant by Veronica Roth

11/12-Tuesday- 35 minutes- pages 243-294

Lord of the Flies by William Golding 32-57

11/13-Wednesday- 25 minutes- pages 32-47   
11/14-Thursday- 22 minutes- pages 48-57 

Short Story 

11/14-Thursday- 40 minutes 

Total Times= 122 minutes  




  1. Hey Omar,

    It sounds like you have mixed feelings about the weeks right before Thanksgiving break. It seems like you had a fun time at the concert. I totally agree with the stress level. I'm totally stressed out about all the work we have due this week.

    Good Luck,

  2. Hey Omar
    Thats cool that you went to a Rhianna concert. I also agree with you. The work load is a lot before a break but when its finished it make the break a whole lot more enjoyable.
