Monday, November 18, 2013

Free Post: The 2 Weeks Before Thanksgiving

The 2 weeks before Thanksgiving are enjoyable. I think this because the weather is great and I am have and are going to do some fun things. For instance, Last Friday (the 15th) I went to the Rihanna concert. I had a lot of fun because Rihanna is amazing. I think this because her voice is beautiful, she is a great performer, and she is pretty. I also like all of her song, but "What Now" was my favorite because she sang it very beautifully with lots of emotion. The only thing I didn't like about the concert was A$AP Rocky because he was unnecessary. I think this because he kept on saying bad words for no reason and his songs were just plain stupid. I am also getting my braces off on Thursday! 

The 2 weeks before Thanksgiving are not fun because there is a lot of work. The large amounts of work causes me to have large amounts of stress. For instance, I have 2 tests, 3 quizzes, 3 AP World History assignments, and a paper. I am ok so far because I have managed my time and set what I want to accomplish and when. On top of this I have to miss 2 of my most important classes, English and AP World History, because I am getting my braces off, which I am really excited about.  

Reading + Work Times:
Allegiant by Veronica Roth

11/12-Tuesday- 35 minutes- pages 243-294

Lord of the Flies by William Golding 32-57

11/13-Wednesday- 25 minutes- pages 32-47   
11/14-Thursday- 22 minutes- pages 48-57 

Short Story 

11/14-Thursday- 40 minutes 

Total Times= 122 minutes  



Saturday, November 16, 2013

Write Your Own Blog Post

The next time you're in a public place such as a coffeehouse, park, or a store observe the people around you. Pick a person, couple, or a group and imagine what their lives might be like. 

For this post I will write about my observations at the Rihanna concert about a group of 5 women. There were 3 blondes and 2 brunets. They sat in the row in front of me and just sat down with their eyes peeled on their iPhones. I only got the names of the 2 brunets, which were Melissa and Beth, but for now I will name the 3 blondes Sarah, Jennifer, and Ashley. The group looked like they were in their early 30s.  

Melissa, Beth, Sarah, Jennifer, and Ashley looked seemed like they were best friends. They all looked like they had stable jobs. Sarah, Ashley, and Beth had engagement rings on their fingers, so they are married. Melissa is not married, but she is the leader of the group because she sat in the middle and everybody talked to her. I think she might have the most money out of the group, so she could be a lawyer. Jennifer is also not married the happiest person in the group. She seemed like the goodie two shoes of the group because she didn't drink and she kept on telling her friends to stop dancing and stuff like that. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Free Post: Allegiant

I started reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth last week. So far I am enjoying it very much because I love all the action. I also love how the story is told by Tris and Tobias. I like this because I can understand the book better because I see both sides of the argument. I also like Allegiant because it is the last book in the series. I like the last book in a series because they are have lots of action, great endings, and are the very well written.

Although I really like Allegiant, I fell that it has some flaws. For instance, Tobias's point of view is not as good as Tris's point of view. I also don't like the arguments that Tris and Tobias that have because I feel they happen too often and they are irritating. Allegiant stresses some important parts, but some parts are a little unclear. Finally, I don't like how Tobias acts sometimes.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Deserted Island Simulation

I had fun in the class simulation and the class accomplished a lot. The first thing the class did was elect Mary Beth as the leader. After that the class decided on who would take care of the first graders, which was Kate, Amanda, Katherine Ann, and Brooke. The class also decided on who would make the shelter, which was me, Martine, and Annie. Finally, the class decided on who would find the food which was Dell and Bennett. Although the class accomplished a lot, we did leave out a few things. For instance, we left out who would cook the food and some people didn't get assigned any jobs.

If the class stayed on the island, we would survive for only 2 weeks. I think this because the plan had some great factors such as the leader and all the different jobs. I don't think that we could survive longer than 2 weeks because people would start fighting with each other and a disease could wipe all of us out. Also, we could run out of food. Maybe if there wasn't a disease and all the people worked together than we could stay for a lifetime and build a city.

Reading + Work Times:

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

11/5-Tuesday- 45 minutes- pages 57-113
11/6-Wednesday- 55 minutes- pages 114-180
11/7-Thursday- 45 minutes- pages 181-242

Lord of The Flies by William Golding

11/9-Saturday- 25 minutes- pages 7-31

Literary Analysis Work

11/5-Tuesday- 25 minutes
11/6-Wednesday- 20 minutes
11/7-Thursday- 20 minutes

Total Time= 235 minutes

Monday, November 4, 2013

Outside Reading Time

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

10/30-Wednesday- 45 minutes- pages 1-56

Literary Analysis Work

11/2-Saturday- 45 minutes

Peermark Reviews

10/28-Monday- 30 minutes

Total Time= 120 minutes