Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Relationship of Cruelty With Masculinity

I think the relationship of cruelty with masculinity is one of the most important ideas in Macbeth. This is present throughout the whole book. We first see cruelty with masculinity when Lady Macbeth calls to the dark and says "unsex me here" to make her perform cruel and violent acts. We also see it when Lady Macbeth harasses Macbeth about killing Duncan and he he is not a man if he doesn't do this very cruel and violent act. This thought of cruelty with masculinity is one of the factors that leads Macbeth to killing Duncan and leads to chaos. This cycle of questioning gender is present throughout Macbeth.

I think the relationship of cruelty with masculinity is a part of a theme in the book. I say this because it is constantly shown throughout the book. It is not just shown through Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Cruelty with masculinity is also seen when Malcolm says, "Dispute it like a man." I think that this idea is part of the theme, the characters in Macbeth cling to the concept of cruelty with masculinity in dark times with deep desires. I think that this is a strong and prevalent issue in Macbeth and might be prevalent today.

Reading & Work Times: 


6/5-Tuesday- 25 minutes- edited writing remix
7/5-Wednesday- 35 minutes- edited and revised writing remix analysis 
8/5-Thursday- 1 hour- finished writing cover letter and editing/revising 
9/5-Friday- 15 minutes- continued editing/revising cover letter and turned in assignments 

Total Time= 135 minutes 


  1. Dear Omar,
    Great post. I never would have thought to go work with the theme Creulity with masculinity. You used great quotes and information to back it up!
    Good Job,
    Mary Beth

  2. Hey Omar,
    This a great theme you found! It's something that I think most people wouldn't connect together, but is definitely present throughout the play.
    Fabulous post,

  3. Excellent point, Omar! This is definitely a pattern.
